Attention, attention. It seems my blog have been discovered by
some people. Oh my gosh? (digs a hole in the ground, then buries head in there) Not that there are things to hide. But I prefer keeping loooooow-profiled. Teehee.

SKITTLES LIP BALM from Boston! In Original (Strawberry) & Wild Berry flavour. So special right. Haha. From colleagues (Zhu'e and Drizzle) @ work. Thank you very much!
19th July, shopping with Jas & Queenie alllllll the way at CityPlaza @ Paya Lebar. Queenie calls it the
Girl's Day Out. According to Geraldine (classmate), the clothes there are supposedly CHEAPER than usual. But *shakes head* not true at all. Hur. Haven't bought so many stuff in ages.
Shopping = Love
Then 3 of us headed down to town to meet their boyfriends, and I started work (as a lightbulb) shining ever so brightly. So much for
Girl's Day Out huh? :( Haha. We took a group picture. Where?
Nostalgic (: It was so fun. After taking, we were perspiring like crazy.
26th July, independent me went to The Esplanade to do my research for my project work. Heh (: With my stack of survey forms, my laptop (with the super duper heavy adapter + accessories), my notebook, stationery. Grabbed lots and lots of brochures, many of which serve no help actually -
adding to the weight....

library@esplanade was PACKED! (at least areas which can provide me with AC power were taken) sigh. So I walked around somemore and managed to find myself a spot, right in the middle on Esplanade's concourse. Hooray!
I stayed till evening before heading down to PS to meet mom & dad. As usual, ever-satisfying dinner. Strolled around. I love shops with DIY stuff. Went to SPOTLIGHT, got 2 items (expensive!), went home in a cab, a happy
little girl.
27th July - Porpor's birthday celebration (actual birthday on 30th July)

P.S. Thanks Kylie & Sheri for the well wishes for porpor (:
And, and. GOODBYE JULY 2008! It's August tomorrow!
Up and Coming:
- Meeting up with ELAINE & KYLIE! (yay, yay, yay!)
- Holidays! (13th August)
- Meeting up with Sheri! (teehee)
- And, I want to meet up with my Secondary School friends!