Thursday, February 28, 2008
what if the time stops ticking at 9:14 PM

2days away from a brand new month, I find myself sitting on my office-like chair typing away on my leafgreen laptop (: Yes, Rachel is resurrecting her almost-dead blog and publishing the 201th post.

You know how many of us WANT to write in diaries, so that in the many years to come we can take them out to read and laugh how silly we were back then? Well, I've finally given up the thought of doing so. Thus, created a new way to jot down my neverending memories. What? Writing down little notes of events on my calendar. Ofcourse I won't be able to remember every single microscopic details, but enough to know such an event had taken place in my life. (You know how terrible my memory gets...)

Alright, so a handful of my friends know what's my current holiday job. To those who haven't got the slightest clue, ahem.. My occupation is an Assistant Art Instructor (a.k.a. Teacher) Yeah yeah, open your jaw wide and exclaim "You're kidding right?" Haha. I wouldn't say its a tough job, but manageable. It's entirely a WHOLE NEW EXPERIENCE. Something I never thought I'd do. Kids, can be exceedingly annoying yet adorable at the same time. There are instances where I feel like pouring the bucket of water (used to wash the paintbrushes) over their heads. The working days are really irregular. Hence, pay = peanuts. But I shan't complain because many of my friends are still jobless.

Over the few weeks, I've been out with my different circles of friends. Secondary mates, Year1 Semester 01 and 02, and more outings to come.

Tomorrow, I'll be heading down to the beach after (emphasizes) SO LONG! I can't wait to wriggle my toes into the soft sand, soak my feet in the icy cold water, lay on the sand with sunblock on my skin & wait to recieve smooches from the sun, at the same time play good songs to match the atmosphere. OMG. I'm filled with excitement just thinking about it. CONS? Waking up early to prepare. Ugh.

The following Saturday, I'll be skipping work to celebrate a friend's birthday, picnic-style. And there'll be cake too. I can totally imagine (as seen on cartoons), ants carrying away my cake and all the other delicious food from the red&white-checked picnic mat. Okay, snap into reality.

Next week, I'll be meeting up with another friend for sushi and movie. Picture me savouring slices AND slices of cold salmon sashimi, sipping hot green tea and talking about almost, anything. After that, snuggling into the comfy seats at the cinema allowing my food to digest and process into....fats...HAHA, whattheheck, eat & be merry!

Adios Amigos (:

Sunday, February 03, 2008
what if the time stops ticking at 4:48 PM

200th post!

Year 01, Semester 02; ended 2days ago, and I'm surprisingly not too happy about it. I think I actually enjoyed being with my Semester2 mates. Haha. A friend said to me, "You're the sort who can't accept new changes" -- or something to the extend of that. And he's goddamn right. ARGH. Please, please let me meet nice people next semester (and the next, and next and next...)

I've been missing so, SO MANY PEOPLE lately. I want very much to go out and chat over a cuppa, but it's kinda hard I guess. Ohwhattheheck, those were excuses. Okay, this holiday, I'll ask them out and plans don't flop!

4 days to the Lunar New Year, and 3 days to reunion dinner. -in search of festive mood-

I was suppose to begin Operation: Spring Cleaning HOURS AGO and my lazy bones, they won't budge. My room's in a mess, I don't know where to start. Bummer~~

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