Friday, June 27, 2008what if the time stops ticking at 9:50 PM

SIWW has ended. That, (points at the picture above) is my pass. Even though all I did was surveying, I guess I have gathered a handful of experience. I managed to interact with a few directors, GMs, engineers, etc & I hope they remember who I am. Haha (: 3 of us (Jas, Queenie & I) had lots of fun
guy men-watching, and even formulated our Top 3 List. 2 of which, had moustache & brown hair/eyes. HOT! But farewell to them. (
Yesterday, we (together with Queenie's guy) went to NYNY and our bill totalled up to $100.40! Yipes. Treating ourselves to a feast after 3days of hardwork.
Today, Jas & I went to Queenie's place with the intention of doing up our business plan (school purpose). And our plan, flopped badly. In the end, NO work was done at all. Pathetic? Maybe (:
A week just flew past like that. Back to school in 2 days, back to work tomorrow. My leg muscles have not had enough rest, but I don't have a choice (actually, I do).
$$$$$$$$$$ Can't wait for my free Saturdays again!
Time to shower!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
what if the time stops ticking at 9:22 PM

SIWW has begun, and so has my shift(s). Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday. All in all, 50bucks. Again, yay. My jobscope? To conduct survey according to the survey questionnaire. It's a very easy task, but super duper boring. Imagine standing the WHOLE day. I'm tired. But just somehow, it beats rotting in school.
I was feeling soooooo bored/restless, I decided to chat with the security. He's an old man, and he kept pin-pointing that I HAVE NO LIFE. He asked, in my entire life what adventurous/interesting thing have I done? I can't think of anything wacky, but I'm very satisfied with my oh-so-boring life. He's going to keep a look out for rich guys overseas for me too (: Haha. Lame ass. A bunch of us chatted, and we really couldn't think of anything "wham-bam". No-lifers.
Listening to event organisers talk, is quite cool I think. So far, EVERY single one of them emphasizes so much on the LACK OF SLEEP, or even not going home at all. Sometimes, during the event, the company might even book a hotel room so you can spend the night there. I'm going to be homesick man.
Okay la. So bored. Nothing to do. Byebye.

Saturday, June 21, 2008
what if the time stops ticking at 10:58 PM
Hey love (:
Been pretty busy with stuff from school recently. And boy did my labour bear fruits! Ok. You probably didn't get that, but anyway...
19th and 20th June 2008
We had sales competition (in collaboration with O2 Skin) among the classes who took the Sales Management module and our class was really, really bonded/united. Apart from the aching feet and drained bodies, I guess we had our fair share of fun. Okay, here comes the best part. MY CLASS WON! ((((: Hahaha. All of us literally SCREAMED for joy. Imagine, a class of 23, out of which, 4 are guys. Shrilling like hell. But it felt damn good. Every individual gets (I don't know) $200 worth of products or voucher. YAY!
21st June 2008
That's today!
Went down to the Suntec Convention Hall for briefing of the upcoming SIWW (a.k.a Singapore International Water Week). It's going to be a big event, and hooray! I'll be involved. Hahaha. Something like a mini attachment for 3days. $50 per day. Not bad right. So anway. After briefing, the fun begun :D
Almost the entire class went to Marina's Pizza Hut to lunch. Hogging the place for quite a long while. It is frightening how much food they consumed. But, ha! I'm not better la (: okkkkk. The class dispersed. Some went home, some headed elsewhere but Jas (and boyfriend), Queenie (and boyfriend) & I stuck together. We walked aimlessly for practically half the day. Went to Swensen's for ice-cream. Then resumed our aimless-ness. Then Samuel & Aina joined us. Went to Glutton's Square to eat (again). This time we ordered so much laaa. Seafood GALORE. It was so spicy! But the best part of the day was at OSIM's product launch. Jas, her boyfriend and I laid on their massage chair for a long time. Our backs were aching and the chair came in handy. The sales people were watching, but we couldn't care less.
I'm dead beat. And there's still work tomorrow. I wish, I wish, I can sleep the entire day tomorrow. Sigh.

Thursday, June 12, 2008
what if the time stops ticking at 9:07 PM
it's nice, catching up with old pals from time to time (:
lets do it more often.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008
what if the time stops ticking at 10:07 PM
until i release that knot in my heart, i'm going to continue feeling bitter inside.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008
what if the time stops ticking at 9:53 PM
I can't believe I'm doing my daily assignment NOW, when everybody else I know (excluding my classmates) are having their well deserved holidays. Stab me.
Though going to school these couple of days is relatively relaxing.
- No crowd to rush with.
- Canteen only with a bunch of facilitators, other then that, myself & classmates.
- The temporary classroom is FREAKING cold, but I like it (:
- Everyone else is in the holiday mood, even the facilitator.
- Lessons seem to end earlier than usual.
- And up till now, I've not begun writting my Reflection Journal. Ugh.
Today's the bbbboring LAW module. And we did something called "Frustrated Contracts" which lived up to its name. Because it hella frustrated all of us.
Alrighty, I'm off to do my work now. Adios!

Sunday, June 01, 2008
what if the time stops ticking at 9:17 PM

For starters,
A good friend of mine since Primary 5. Friends to be till death does us part? (: Haha. Sorry darling, present's delayed. Soon ok? I promise.
A little to update on:
(1) Maribel, the new maid, came yesterday -31st June'08-. Not much comments, since I have not interacted much with her. She's fairly short, extremely quiet. Not very fluent in English.
(2) Grandpa is returned home earlier today. He lost weight, looks akin to a bag of bones.
(3) Trip to Botanic Gardens with the students on Saturday & Sunday. Lazy to post pictures.
(4) Went on a window shopping spree with Kyl & Siew Chin on Satuday. Received pay-cheque on the very same day. But held back ever so much, reluctant to spend on clothes. Oh so beautiful clothes, attached with an incredibly expensive price tags.
The return of my asthma after so long. Popping pills everyday to help me breathe properly again. Annoying. I want to binge on tidbits/chocolates/chips, slurp down icy cold fluids.
(5) THE HOLIDAY IS HERE! Just for a week, better than nothing (:
(6)Lastly, know that I love you.
I'll blog again soon. Till then, turn in early & have a spankin' holiday!