I am EXTREMELY bored, so I shall blog on certain events (:
Glanced out of the window one day [Monday-17thMarch2008], and noticed how pretty the sky was. The real thing would naturally look better, but here are some pictures I took.
Flawless, Thy Sky
The Dark Clouds, They are Coming
What A Fine Sight!
Does it not look like the world is coming to an end?
Shall put a halt to picture viewing, and bring in a wordy paragraph.. On this day, I went for my dental appointment with both mom & dad at Jurong West. At the dental clinic, there are mini poster-like stuff stuck onto the wall. One of which, was utterly meaningful. I think it's from a Buddhist Temple or something. Take a minute or two to read through, I feel enlightened already. Haha.
Be grateful to those who have hurt or harmed you,for they have reinforced your determination.
Be grateful for those who have deceived you,for they have deepened your insight.
Be grateful for those who have hit you, for they have reduced your karmic obstacles.
Be grateful for those who have abandoned you, for they have taught you to be independent.
Be grateful for those who have made you stumble, for they have strengthened your ability.
Be grateful for those who have denounced you, for they have increased your wisdom and concentration.
I met up with some pals from Secondary School, and we dined at
Crystal Jade La Mian Xiao Long Bao. I swear I spend more then 10minutes searching 'high and low' online, for the name of the dish I had, but unfortunately, to no avail. All I can recollect are the words;
Shark Bone Soup,
Poached Rice,
Chicken and
Prawn. Anyway, it's a combi of those stuff, with rice (which appear very much like MAGGOTS) separated when served. I thought what the hell? DEEP FRIED rice? Ha. Little did I know, I'm supposed to pour the rice INTO the soup. I give it 4/5 (: If you're one who cannot stand 'fishy' stuff, then that's not something you'd want to try..

The next picture, is obviously Xiao Long Bao (aka, X.L.B.);
following 2 pictures taken from PQ.
Doesn't the X.L.B. look deflated?

Thereafter, some of them had Ben&Jerry's, and chatted..

Earlier on today, I went on a school excursion thing to Kaki Bukit Prison School. Very
"ulu". Very much an eye-opener. And I feel like I've just been exposed to another part of the....world (: Upon approaching our destined location, I passed by a couple of buildings with words on it,
"Foreign Worker Hostel" It even comes in 5-stars. Omg? I'm hoping it's the first time you've heard of it too. If not, I must be one hell of a sua-gu.
Outside the prison, there was this bird, which looked very...urmm..prison-y? Okay, I'm being mean I know. But it looked evil one way or another, with ruffled up feather, flapping its wings away. Anyway, the place (the prison), used to be a Primary School. Quite cramped up, and LOTS OF gates & fences all over.
I wonder how Mas Selamat escaped.They showed us videos, toured around. I told Val it's though the principal giving us our Freshman Orientation Tour at our NEW school. Their cell is about the size of our Secondary School classrooms, maybe smaller, definitely not bigger. 18 inmates to 1 cell. 3 oscilating fans, 4 concrete walls, a little area for toilet business. Very warm & stuffy. Their classrooms are very much alike to ours but again, smaller. Occupying max 26 students aged 18-40plus. This is the ONLY prison in SouthEast Asia which provides education (GCE 'N', 'O', 'A' levels...Nitec in Electronics and something else I can't rmb). Certain parts of the premises were designed by themselves and I'm truly amazed. Fine, FINE art. They have this multimedia area, and I think the inmates will make GREAT RP students. Why? WHATEVER computer skills are SELF-taught through books. And they showed us a few stuff they created. *Applause*
Okay, enough of the trip. HIGHLIGHT of the day!!

Hahahahaha. This man beside Val...w-e-i-r-d-o alert! Circled in red; his hat & fingers were COVERED with all sorts of gems. Like WTH. His ENTIRE hat has diamonds, ruby, emerald, topaz, etc etc stuck on his hat. Rings on almost every single finger. Around his neck, HUGE pearls (bigger than a golf ball) and badges on his jacket. The dumbest thing is.....him
hao lian-ing away. See that thing circled in green? He was checking in public, the authencity of those gems. For goodness sake. Look at the background, those people checking him out. Tsktsk. When I stood up, I wanted to take a clearer picture, but...quite hard to. Oh well. Funny like~~