Friday, January 11, 2008what if the time stops ticking at 10:26 PM
Lifting from my MSN nick: 1 week down, 3 weeks to go
I do feel a tad of remorse when I type that down. Whenever I start getting used to things (in this case, people & environment), it's time to say farewell. And this is something, I'll have to get used to eventually. Oh well, this post ain't suppose to be depressing (:
IT'S FRIDAY TODAY! Which means I'll get to sleep reeeaally late and eveeeenn LATER. Oh boy, I miss the days I wake up at noon, wake up have lunch, relaaaaaaaaax & enjoy life until it's time to go into snooze mode. On January 11 2008, I have the NEW-YEAR mood. Wth? I'm late by 11days (ok, now I sound like I'm pregnant). Was that a really bad joke? Shoot me.
Ah-ha! I'd take this opportunity to wish some of my friends (whichever of my friends birthdays fall on January) -- HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I was suppose to get b'day cards last week but I was...too lazy? ): Next year..I'll do it next year (: And for the upcoming birthdays (:
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
what if the time stops ticking at 12:35 AM
Lookie people (: It's DAY #2 of Year 2008.
I've been jammed packed with activities lately, pretty much time-killing. But going out on consecutive days can be pretty darn draining 'cause of all the walking. But hey! Drains away oil (excess fat) too! grins.
Anyway, belated greetings for the NEW YEAR & Christmas. Both my countdowns were at home this year. Apparently some of my friends found it unbelievable. But I think it's okay la (: Like getting excited by myself last night while being home alone (not exactly, my grandparents were asleep & no family members home). When the clock struck twelve, I spammed like crazy on MSN. Okay, that sounds kinda dumb I realise. But whattheheck, ignorance! Couldn't get my SMS(es) sent out till I don't know what time, heavy traffic.
A friend just talked to me about New Year Resoultions, and I told him I can't really be bothered anymore because every year I set them, but NEVER follow. So what's the point right? Then he says "At least I know where I'm heading to". But I don't even know where I WANT to head to.
School's resuming in another 5days. Dread it, not. Haha. Because when school re-opens, it means my 10week holiday is COMING UP SOON! This 4week school term is going to flllllyyy.
It's 103am, and I'm not tired yet. But I'll try to sleep. The dark rings are emerging. Goodnight (: