And so I decided to post an entry (:
Is it just me or is the earth spinning faster and faster. 'Cause it has been 3 weeks since school re-opened and I'm left with 7 more weeks to go before the next holidays and before I change my class. Look below, I'm doing a countdown thing. Ha!
JUNEHighlighted in blue: The 1st day of school
Striked out in red: Those days are so over (;

JULYHighlighted in blue: Today
Striked out in red: Another week down
Boxes in green: Upcoming tests (pffft!!)

Highlighted in blue: The first day of 3 week long holiday
Circled in red: Holiday
Circled in orange: Birthday! :D
(shitty thing? falls on the same day as my stinking test)
Boxes in green: More tests );

Went for this talk held in school yesterday morning. Talked about my course. And I tell you..I'm beginning to LOVE my job in the future. Ha! Lots to say, lazy to type (: Anyway, I'm so pumped now to work hard. Twalalala~
After the talk, I came back home and watch
John Tucker Must Die and theeeen. In the evening went to watch
Transformers. OMG. Bloody awesome action-packed movie. I kinda think there's gonna be a sequel to it. Oh well. Anyway, my upcoming days, I'm going to be busy-ing myself with talks in school (to earn myself CE points; Have to clear 40pts by the end of year 3), signing up for events (for my IG a.k.a. CCA), have to be pro-active and study real hard to get my scholarship (worth 20k). Wooot! Sounds damn cool right? Ha! Getting it is going to be SUPER tough, but I'll try anyhow. Hee.
Cheers my friends.