Monday, June 25, 2007what if the time stops ticking at 8:41 PM
One of the very common phrase people often use/say:
Never take things/people for granted.Yes, we all know it's true. But as much as we agree, sometimes that fact just slips off our minds. And viola, we are back to taking them for granted. Inevitable? I'd probably have to say so. So at the midst of talking about this, I would like to apologise to anybody
(or anything) I've taken for granted of.
My entire life been's topsy-turvy these few weeks. That long break away at Korea frankly, wasn't enough. But how much could I enjoy, knowing that I left pain & sorrow behind whilst I'm out of town.
I mentioned about my grand-uncle's incident 2 posts ago. Unfortunately, more complications occurred and it has been 8days since he has left us. Though not a
very close relative of mine, he has made an impact in my life and left fond memories I'd never forget. I wanted very much to tell him that. But there's always the but(s) that refrains us from doing so.
(Maternal) Family gatherings...will never be the same again. He was always there. He always whistled or made tunes. He always walked around with his handy black portable phone. He had his catchy-catchphrases my cousins, brother and I would never forget. He always placed veggie on our plates. He loves chilli. I'd often watch him play Mahjong with my parents & grandparents. He'd always watch all the blockbuster movies and tell us something about it during visits. He was a very health conscious person. He exercised alot. Ate lots of veggie & fruits. But his health.....Why? Why do such stuff often happen to healthy people? The last time I spoke to him..was when he was sitting in his kitchen..he thanked my brother and I for visting him. That was it. Man..This brings back such unpleasant memories. Still, this entry would be a memorial thing...From me to him.
And today, my dad got admitted to the hospital. He's been having fever for the past two/three days and the doctor suspected it to be dengue. THANK GOODNESS it isn't. After the blood tests and all, he's back home. I pray everyday for my loved ones to be happy & healthy. Please fufill my prayer(s).
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
what if the time stops ticking at 6:12 PM
adios amigo(s).
flight takes off at 1030pm ):
korea here i come!
byebye sunny (and bloody hot) singapore!