Monday, May 28, 2007what if the time stops ticking at 1:28 PM
A POST AFTER A LONG TIMEAlright. There are loads to update on I realise. But, again, LAZY-ness is holding me back. Okkkkkk. Where do I begin..
Things with me and my immediate family's been doing great so far. My parents have been the best two pillar of supports anybody can have. School has made a vast change in my lifestyle. Namely, coming online. As some have noticed, the frequency of me appearing online is pretty, low. I actually find it a chore logging onto the net. Besides, I'm online from 9-430pm every Monday - Friday (for school purposes). And when I get home from school I appear offline, complete my work and then log off the net.
Right, back to family issues. My maternal grandmother's brother recently underwent 2 operations, resulting in many other problems, causing my grandma to suffer a great deal of _________ (I dont know what word to put in, but think of anything negative and fill in the blanks), in turn leading to my mom's unhappiness (she feels my grandma's pain & sufferings and feels upset about not being able to do much to lessen her load). I hope these dark, heavy clouds drift away soon. I wish for everyone to be happy and to be in the pink of health.
It's Monday today. And naturally, I have the blues. Am very looking forward to the holidays. First stop, 31st May 2007, VESAK DAY. Then drag myself to school for another day and......Second stop, 2June - 17June, vacation! I'll be flying off to ______ from 6June-13June. Hooray. Stay tuned to find out where ;)
Oh, how can I almost forget to add this in:
I still hate school.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
what if the time stops ticking at 1:08 PM
1. Get up
2. Survive
3. Go back to bed