Sunday, March 25, 2007what if the time stops ticking at 2:27 AM
Dear Diary.My internet connection is serious KILLING me. I think there's something terribly wrong with the modem. And the worst part of the whole thing is, the SingNet people told my mother that they can only come down on the 4th of April to repair the damn thing. (stares blankly at the screen for about 3.5 seconds, then grabs the calendar) As of now
-25th March, Sunday 02:29AM- to 4th April, that's 11days!
omg.Constant disconnecting from MSN every few seconds. I can barely make a conversation out of it, and have to resort to sending emails. I think if I can't send emails, I'd write letters, paste stamps, post it, and wait for the postman to deliver my messages for me. Boo. Okay, let me look on the brighter side of things. At least I can still blog, can still surf sites
(which lag big time).
Heh! (: Enough ranting on that. The two girls came over to my place today. And we pretty much had a
blast! Two regular sized pizza, and 3 jumbo wings. AND. Chocolate fondue. (
I've got pictures to put up, but it's way to laggy. Man!) Anyway, our fondue almost failed
miserably. Fortunately my brother came to our rescue. Ha! It was all lumpy and thick at the beginning, then we added in the rest of the cream and viola! Chocolate Fondue with marshmellows, kiwi(s) & strawberries. It was fun (and finger-licking good) really, TEAMWORK. heh (:
Adios Amigo(s)
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
what if the time stops ticking at 2:36 AM
Dear Diary.
On Saturday, 17 March 2007, my stinking alarm buzzed at 720am. There was meant to be this gathering (Guides), but only 7 people turned up. Played ball games, and soaked in the sun. And damn. I'm burnt. Pffft. Should have put on my sunblock. Too late for regrets thou. Now, my face is showing (and I can bloody feel it -rough skin) signs of peeling. Once again, I'm going to look like I've got skin disease. This is actually my second visit to the beach. My first was last week with Kylie. Second, this. And my THIRD visit would be next week. (aghast) I'll put on thick layers of sunblock all over. I have to! Yipes.
And on Thursday, 15 March 2007, was out with Kylie and Sherlin for Sushi Buffet. (Finally killed your cravings huh sis? =x) And they popped over my place after that and we chilled out. OMG. happyness? yes! But wait. It doesn't end there. 'Cause we'll be piggin' out at my place again this coming Saturday! Pizza and Chocolate Fondue? Damn. (kyl: we're like filming the pursuit of happyness) [many smiles] Though Wednesday's activities are cancelled due to unforeseen reasons ): We'll bring to foooorward to a later date. Yes. Can't believe I'm all jolly at a time like this. Ha! Time Check: 221AM
Alright. For more solemn matters now. RP Enrolment. Sigh. The whole procedure is really, draggy. Forms to print, fill up. A Bank Check to deposit. And from 22-30March, I've to pick a date and go down personally to complete my registration. Crappy shit. And between 5-11 April I've go down again to get my lappy meddled configured. On the 12&13 of April, there'll be Freshmen Orientation which happens to be compulsory. MY NEW LIFE. heh. Looking forward to it? Maybe a little (:

Wednesday, March 14, 2007
what if the time stops ticking at 3:40 PM
Dear Diary.
Aren't rainy days the best. I like the whole atmosphere. During the first few minutes of rain, the scent of fresh grass. Followed by the gathering of dark grey clouds and heavy downpour, raindrops pitter pattering on the window ledge Then you sit alone in the room with a glass of hot chocolate, typing away on your PC, lights off, music on. It makes you think of things. Good ones, as well as bad. Of course thinking of negative things isn't all that bad. Anyhow, life's been absolutely splendid. Slacking at home all day, that is.
I got this off some acquaintance's online diary. Quite very true I must say.
So when you get a little bored of writing your rants down, you realize you're stuck at the very first page, or the first line you're starting your blog entry with. Then it has got to be either your life is just sad, or it's monotonous. Or you're just stuck.
It actually depresses me just to read that. Why? 'Cause I noticed something.. That my entry was filled with descriptive sentences. Describing the rainy weather. And only two sentences on how life is right now. Somebody smack me in the face.

Monday, March 12, 2007
what if the time stops ticking at 12:25 AM
Dear Diary.
I know I ought to be used to it by now.
But. I swear. I'd go crazy if this goes on.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007
what if the time stops ticking at 8:00 PM
Dear Diary.
So the postings are out, and I'm quite put off by the fact that people keep critisizing my school! Pfft. Saying their teaching methods aren't good, saying the school name won't be recognised. And even thinking being in this polytechnic won't get me far, to the University. It's not as though they've studied in this institute before. Anyhow, you would have guessed it right by now. It's Republic Polytechnic. And I'll be getting my Diploma in Integrated Events Management. Heh! ;)
I've a friend, he keeps thinking he's going to get free Business Class tickets and travel around the world, when I get all famous and more importantly, successful. His words were: meeting with people, creating events that would wow the world / if you get famous enough (i edit: good enough) you'll probably be flown to other countries to do their events. Hahaha. I like the sound of that. Only, it's kind of hard to believe what he says. And he's probably reading this right now.
Oh yes. It's funny how another of my friend thought that I'd be studying about MEETINGS. (slaps forehead, hard) Anyway, have gotta work hard all the way now. Excel right from the beginning and get into the University. Forward, march!

Sunday, March 04, 2007
what if the time stops ticking at 4:10 PM
Dear Diary.
It's been 4days since I last stopped working, and boy does it feel..great? (: The other peeps, they were supposed to quit together with me, but I ended up leaving on my own. Oh well, what gives. Anyhow, instead of slogging my guts out at work today, I'm having a celebration with my relatives from my mother's side. They'll be coming over for steamboat. Hooray. Been wanting to eat steamboat for some time now. Also, we'll be surprising my dad (it's his birthday tomorrow), so yeah. There'll be this Swensen's ice-cream cake with sticky chewy chocolate and whatever. Can't exactly remember what my mom told me. AHH! Additional fifteen minutes to work-out time?
Moving backwards, I was out with kyl yesterday to pick up my dad's gift as well as SHOP and to do some catching up with her. I almost gave up by the end of the day, when some top caught my pair of eyes. Oh the joy (: For I thought I'd return home empty handed. Phew.
DEAR DIARY. i had a nightmare last night.