Dear Diary.
I'm starting work tomorrow. (wails) Okay. Not exactly starting YET. 'Cause tomorrow, on the first day, we're having orientation. Like wth. Factory work? Orientation? Ridiculous. Ahh. What the heck. But tomorrow's working duration will only last for 9hours. Beats working 12hours. hur. They had better not make us do any work 'cause I only get like $36 for orientation (compared to $59 for 12hours).
Sigh. The working blues are back ONCE AGAIN. (frowns) I have a feeling I'm not going to like the environment there. Partly because the people there all speak Chinese. DANG. Aren't they promoting the SPEAK GOOD ENGLISH MOVEMENT?! No, I do not have something against Chinese Educated people. Only that my mandarin..SUCK? Then there'll be the whole language barrier shit. Pfft.
Alright. I don't want to be a drag. I'll stop complaining. I'll do it for the money. Yes. The MONEY. hurhur (: I'm gonna get myself this pair of shoes. Or maybe another pair, if I find something better. Heh!
Thursday, January 11, 2007
what if the time stops ticking at 11:45 AM
Dear Diary.
ALAS! i can blog. pfft. okay. i'm typing this entry on the 7th of January, 5:09 PM. it seems my internet connection is down. so much so, i have to resort to typing this in notepad so i can post this entry 'today'. alright. time for the HIGHTLIGHT of the week or..last week? (sniggers in excitement) I'VE GOT MY VERY OWN VAIO! ahhh! omg, the JOY. the EUPHORIA. OMG! hahahaha. i've been waiting for this very day to come. i always thought, so yeah. i'm gonna get a laptop one day. but probably some Acer laptop. but WHAT THE HECK. ha! :D this is practically a dream come true!
i was out with my parents yesterday (Saturday, 6th of January), when my father decided to head to Harvey Norman. and he decided to check out the laptops and started enquiring. (cuts to the chase).. i had to choose from Espresso Black. Urban Gray. Seashell White. Spring Green. and Blush Pink. i opted for the Green one in the end. and since it's currently out of stock. i've to wait until Wednesday. then i'll go back down with my mom and collect it. WAHA! [happy, sha lala. it's so nice to be happy, sha lala]

more highlights:
Monday, 8 January 2007
my very FIRST stayover chalet in the 17 years of my life. i went for my class chalet. which was a shocker (to myself) 'cause last year, when they were planning this, i was all set on NOT going, persisting. lol. anyhow, i got convinced. somehow. it's probably going to be the very last time i'll hang out with these peeps anyway. and since i didn't have access to the internet then, i thought maybe going would help me kill time. hur! (and i have to work on my new year resolution, so...heh!)
during the first day/night. it was utmost HILARIOUS. especially during bedtime. in room 208, it consisted of 10 of us. and room 209, more. i didn't get to sleep the entire night even after changing places 3 times. from one bed to another. because through the night, they were making a hell load of noise. i think the peeps in 209 could hear the whole racket. also, unidentified people were farting away. like wth right. madness. then etc etc. (laughs)
surprisingly, without sleeping a wink i could survive through Day 2. only i had a really nasty case of gastric since Day 1. which totally destroyed my appetite. oh yes! during Day 2. Me, Anna, Miao Hui, Jia Ling, Madeline, Yuit Yeng, Yazid and Hamdi went for the 2 rides. The Luge and Sky-Ride. whilst on the sky-ride (for those who dont have a clue as to what im talking about, view the picture below)
Sky-Rideas i was saying. whilst on the ride, Hui Min called..yada-yada.. my money literally FLEW AWAY. when it was high up. like PFFT! yeah yeah, two bucks isn't much of a biggie. but that was all i have left. dang! the luge was awesome. though i crashed into the curb once. hurhur (:
The LugeNote: Pictures adapted from[FAST FORWARD]
shortly after the barbeque started, i left with anna and miaohui for home. fortunately for me, i had mh's father to fetch me back home. anna went to meet a friend. Lol (:
Wednesday, 10 January 2007On this very day there were two series of events. In the morning, I went for a job interview. The details are as follows: 12hours a day. Tuas. Transport provided. On Wk1 i work for 4days (SUN MON TUES WED) on Wk2, 3days (SUN MON TUES), then restarting the 4day/3day routine again. Paying $59 a day. If i work on my off day, they pay $72 a day. wow right (: As for the jobscope, I'll be doing checking of any flaws on the products, and more stuff which I'm not sure of now. hmm. I'll update on the first day of work. When I'm clearer of things. Ladida. Also on this day, i got my precious lappy. heh (: shan't elaborate on this.
That's about it for this entry. I'll update again when I have more to say. Farewell my fair-weathered friends (: