Wednesday, November 29, 2006what if the time stops ticking at 9:48 AM
at long last, i finally set foot on the sandy beach (: i've awaited that day to come since like i-dont-know-when. anyhow. YAY! hahaha. have been sun-kissed. abit painful, but
no pain no gain right. lol. met the group of girls at 9 and i
was not late. HA! took the mrt down to harbourfront and had breakfast there. thereafter, when we reached the ticketing booth, huimin realised her wallet went missing. so i accompanied her back and blah blah blah. (her wallet was found)
i couldn't soak myself in the water due to some reasons so i sat under the scorching sun the entire day and chatted away. sometimes when everyone else were occupied or engaged in their own conversations, i'd just sink into
the mood. cos that's one funny think about me that just won't change? hur. stupid huh? oh well.
the sun definitey got to me by the end of the day. 'cause i had this headache. fortunately not some major one though. we walked around VivoCity, and it dawned upon me that
i really want to go shopping badly! argh. nvm nvm. bear with it! just another week and i can shop till i drop. wooot! then then
then, i took a long bus ride home with fy. and she was talking non-stop. lol. which was pretty entertaining la. that was yesterday.
to sum this whole entry up, what exactly's going on in my life is
job-hunting. i've been to an interview. sent out MANY resumes via the internet. and all i got was one offer, for a month-long job. which i declined. because i'm looking for a 3-month job. dang. every morning, i retrieve
Recruit from the newspaper, get my pen and start circling anything that catches my eye. no different from a retrenched employee. hur. some people may think i'm pathetic. but i dont really care. 'cause i admit. i'm doing this for the money. and my holidays, are getting WAY too boring. maybe you think i haven't got a life, but what the heck. your thoughts are mine to ignore. am going for another interview today in the afternoon. with anna. wish me luck peeps! (:
Saturday, November 25, 2006
what if the time stops ticking at 5:55 PM
i write this post today, only because i was inspired by what a friend of mine has said.
i have graduated. yesterday was the last day as a secondary school..kid. having been through five whole years of secondary education and six years of primary education. it seems i've come a long way. i hate endings really. what may seem like a happy ending, actually isnt. this is where we all part, whether we like it or not.
the early morning alarms. the bus i took for five years almost everyday.the path we walked to and fro school. the classroom we all suffered in. the constant preaches of our teachers. the horrendous noise our classmates make. the assignments/homework/projects/tests/exams we all hate. the canteen food. the sight of 188 zooming pass you. the afternoon lunches. the teeny-weeny little squabbles. i sure am going to miss you peeps. even hi-bye friends. (dang, the radio's playing some sad song)
okay. this isnt the end of my life. i still am going to see you all when i collect my result slip. AHHH! somehow. i dont want that day to come. hurhur. i FEAR that day. very very much. gulp.
anyhow, thank you all. for being part of my life (: these memories, both beautiful and ugly not so beautiful, will be etched deep in my heart. TAKE CARE ALL! hahaha.

Friday, November 24, 2006
what if the time stops ticking at 3:39 PM
graduation night, prom night, whatever you call it. yeap, tonight is the night. where all the girls and boys turn into young ladies and gentlemen. haha. 1/4 of me is looking to it, while 3/4 of me, so not looking forward to it. hur! i am afterall, not closely attached to the peeps from my class, much less the entire school body. oh well. shall make the best out of it though. there's food, food, and more food. (grins) and probably lots of snapping of photos with my five/four/three/two/one year long classmates/ex-classmates. hopefully i dont get the swings again. and have a fun-filled night (: lol. bye for now!

Monday, November 20, 2006
what if the time stops ticking at 10:41 PM
i hereby announce that the O levels are officially OVER! hahaha. this is what i call bliss. what i call, omg. the feeling is indescribable. i'm over the moon. wooot! i'm so happy i feel like running around in circles, or prancing around like...(i dont know what) what the heck. AHHH! pinch me somebody! tell me i'm not dreaming! LOL. i'm like so totally psyched up right now. i bet i'd toss and turn in bed tonight, unable to sleep a wink. va-va-voooom! :D
after the final paper, i rushed home and took my shower. then met up with kylie and sherlin. AHH! it's been donkey years since i last CHILLED with them. hur! yes folks, i can now chill and hang out all i want. yahooo! i think im going bonkers, but who really cares. heh! sherlin dyed her hair a shocking orange with a dash of red on the fringe. WHOA? hahaha. when am i going to colour my hair, hmm. whoops, gotta run now people. adios amigos! (:

Sunday, November 05, 2006
what if the time stops ticking at 6:50 PM
howdy folks! (:
taking my mini break as of now. hur.
i said i'd come to wish you people good luck right?
so here it goes!
all the best.
good luck.
best wishes.
best of luck.
you can do it!

Friday, November 03, 2006
what if the time stops ticking at 9:54 PM
the early morning silence was shattered by the knock, knock, knocking on the 15th story. every morning, it's the same old thing. they have been renovating their house since like, forever. when will it come to a halt, i do not know. it's damn noisy la. pffft. from dusk to dawn you hear nothing but the sound of drills and hammers and _______ (i dont know what it's called). hur. anyway, everytime i mug, i have to put on my invisible ear plugs.
speaking of which. the exams are really, near. approximately two days away? my heart's beating faster by the minute. (screams on the inside) shit. i find myself talking about the Os at every post i make. fast forward.
it's sherlin's birthday today. so kylie got a cake after she finished her lessons and she came over to my place to make a card for her, together. it's been a long time since i last saw her. and i miss her so very much. those days hanging out, chilling out, yada-yada, will not be forgotten! i cant wait to beach, shop, talk, and have fun with her. heh! you're reading this now aren't you? (: i went down early this morning, as soon as i got up, to retrieve my three page long letter. i'd like to express my heartfelt thanks to her. for all the support and encouraging words and everything else. (my goodness, as if i've won an award or something) no, wait. i have! i've won myself a wonderful friend (:
alright, alright. i have to run now. bye all, i'll be updating soon. heh, to wish you all luck! tata!