Sunday, October 29, 2006what if the time stops ticking at 11:26 PM
robinsons called me up a couple of days back. they asked if i was interested in working for them again this holidays. from the november 24 - december 24. but i wasn't really keen, so i declined. which makes me think back on how hard it was for me to get hired a year ago. but, nevermind. since i'm going to be working for months, i'm determined to find a higher paying job. prefably office-based work. not
gift wrapping. hur.
starting tomorrow, it'd be exact a week to the O'level Examinations. shit? :D the heat is
on. woot! with determination, comes success. you go girl! fullstop.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
what if the time stops ticking at 5:52 PM
heh. got that countdown thing whilst blog-hopping (:
it pretty much gets me hyped for the aftermath of the exams. the timing is a hundred percent accurate for those taking design and technology as the last paper. so, yeap. tick away! tsktsk. been studying lately. (who hasn't right) hur. anyway. mathematics and science (physics & chemistry) are my main focus. i need a minimum B3, better still, A2. -grins- i'll start on social studies probably next week. the others, when the papers are nearer, i'll study them. inside, i'm feeling all gung-ho and very very tingly. it's like, whenever i look at the calendar, i know it's less than a month to being a free-bird. yet, it also means the exams are just around the corner. 12 days away to be exact. OMG. that totally freaks you out. doesn't it? (wide-eyed)
that reminds me, one paper is already over and done with. yes, science practical. smack me in the face somebody. how could i have messed things up? everybody (secondary level onwards) knows crystal-clearly that the y-axis is vertical and the x-axis is horizontal. but peabrain rachel mixed them up. pfffft. i lost four stinking marks because of one careless (i repeat, CARELESS) mistake. that could have helped push me up one grade? who knows right. hur. shan't talk about it anymore. am going to head back to my books now. au revoir (:

Sunday, October 15, 2006
what if the time stops ticking at 4:59 PM
alas! i can blog again. lately, i've been so caught up with the whole renovation saga, i haven't got any time to study and spend time with some people. which i feel utterly bad about. renovating the house during this period of time, is definitely NOT right. but due to certain circumstances, we have got no choice whatsoever. good thing it's all coming to an end soon. anyhow, tomorrow is officially the last day of school/mock exams, or what my school calls the prepapatory exams. currently down to four weeks till the commencement of the O'Level written papers. and four days to my O'Level Combined Science Practical. (shrieks!) freaky? yes. during my prelims' sci practical, my hands were shaking (for what? i also dont know.) and goodness me, it was only the prelims. we're talking Os now. Os. hur. oh, right. i keep getting these porn tags. which are ANNOYING. i keep deleting them, but they keep tagging and tagging. haven't got anything better to do i assume. this is where my post ends. take care people.

Monday, October 02, 2006
what if the time stops ticking at 8:00 PM
and so, the results are out. frightening? YES. expected these sort of results from the very beginning, so it's not much of a surprise. although it still gets to me and depresses me. still, let us me look forward and not back. i guess i'm not the only one feeling this way around here right? (:
i made out this study plan. INTENSIVE one. one which only consists of an hour plus usage of internet. an hour plus. I CAN DO IT! haha. so what if i score shit for the prelims. i'll do much better for the O's. i have to.
alright. off i go now. take care, you people.