Wednesday, August 30, 2006what if the time stops ticking at 8:52 PM
i got
pissed off today. DAMN pissed off. he is a complete
jerk. a pain in my arse. no, a pain, EVERYWHERE. he irritates the hell out of me. and he enjoys poking his nose into everyone's business. his ego is
ENORMOUS. his mouth?
BIGGER. argh. he calls people names. he says i'm stupid
FOR NO RHYME OR REASON. when i 'defend' myself. he says i'm petty. and yes, makes a bloody mountain out of a puny little molehill. HELLO? i'm the victim here! you give off unnesessary remarks. he is downright
irksome. okay, so maybe ANYTHING he does just so totally puts me off. SO WHAT.
he annoys me. very very VERY MUCH. he spoilt my mood for an hour or so. but when i reached home, i couldn't care less. dang. pity he's in my class. or i would have given him a piece of my mind. what a jerk. what a dirtbag.
alright. i'm putting this all behind me now. HUR.
Friday, August 25, 2006
what if the time stops ticking at 10:14 PM
'cause i refuse to say a thing.

Thursday, August 24, 2006
what if the time stops ticking at 7:53 PM
had my oral today. pffft. it dint go smoothly, but it wasn't all THAT bad either. all in all, it was passable..i reckon? hur. i was a complete nervous wreck. being the sixth person on the list, i had to watch five people leave for their turns. each time someone left, my heart got heavier. it almost felt like my tie was suffocating me, i could barely breathe! (alright, i'll cut out all the melodramatic scenes) ha. so, anyway, i know i tried my very best. i gave it my all. or so i think..
these two videos are HILARIOUS. watch the first, then second one.
the up and coming Russell Peters? (:

Sunday, August 20, 2006
what if the time stops ticking at 3:12 PM
i thought, and i thought hard. i slogged throughtout the night on my folio. and still, i'm not done. i landed myself in this state, but it's going to be worth it..right? design and technology, a subject i once thought was a piece of cake. but darling, i was wrong. i told mr tan to tell me all that i had to change, to score an A1, and so he did. now i've a PILE of things to do. am required to redo my ideas & work on my design development. ideas. no nothing's flowing through my head. i have to get my A1, i just have to. only then will i be safer. physiotherapy equipments. what can i invent? crap. my mom and brother laugh at my ideas. okay, so maybe they're a little shitty and all. but hey! it'll help right ): pffft.
(starts banging head on the wall over and over and over and over again)
my chest feels all wheezy, my nose is stuffy, my eyes are heavy and i think i'm dying. frowns. i thougth i could finish everything by today. but boy was i wrong. it's almost like starting from scratch. ALMOST, fortunately it's not. hur! slept at 335am, woke up at 1pm. after two and a half hours of break, it's high time i crawl back to work. oh-how-psyched-i-am.
take care all. full gear ahead! lol (:

Thursday, August 17, 2006
what if the time stops ticking at 9:14 PM
ALAS! i knew this day would come. all the lack of sleep and burning of way-past-midnight oil, i'm officially, uhh..affected? hur. i've got this splitting headache that just won't seem to go away, and a runny nose. and, yes, eye bags. everyday, when i come home from school, i look into the mirror and see myself, frazzled. day in, day out, all that's on my mind is DNT. hur. no life right? (: anyhow, this goes on, until next monday, or so i think. the actual O'level deadline is 30 August. but, that's just a day after the mark of the preliminary exams. -pulls hair apart- ahh. i can't wait for the finale. yeah-yeah, too far-fetched. still three months. hang in there people!
i submitted my folio this morning, binded. just for this SHORT little time span, i feel like i've take a load of burden off my shoulders. then comes another pile of work. hur. it's neverending, is it? plus i've got this Farwell Celebration tomorrow evening at 6. funny thing, why do they call it a celebration. isn't FAREWELL suppose to be a solemn kind of..thing? O.o weird huh. oh right, i've not even begun making those stupid souvenirs. argh. i'd very much prefer to do some work, rather than do those little farewell gifts. i mean, come on, let's face it, in years to come, or maybe even by next year, we'll become almost no different from strangers? okay, maybe acquaintances. oh crap, i sound so damn mean & unfriendly right. lol. my bad people.
i'll end here for today. the headache's mind blowing.

Monday, August 14, 2006
what if the time stops ticking at 10:12 PM
time now, 1010pm.
currently, struggling with assignments.
hello hectic school life. (slaps forehead)
so anyway, the workload is back. i've got paper 1 and 2 math paper to complete, chemistry year 2003 paper and the stinking DNT folio. i haven't got much time left. math & chem's due tomorrow, dnt by wednesday. which means i have only today and tmr to finish them up. what the heck? ahhh. pressure, pressure.
spent the past few hours figuring out how to do the dumb questions for the past year papers. looks like i've to burn the midnight oil for these few days. misery. i'll be blogging MUCH lesser nowadays. LESSER computer usage, MORE studying. bring out the inner nerd rach! (: anyhow, even if i do so, i'll be ranting on about the same old rubbish.
oh, right. how's the new layout? (:
time now, 1019pm.
upcoming, continue struggling with assignments.

Sunday, August 13, 2006
what if the time stops ticking at 12:44 AM
a really really really short post:
i do realise how HURTFUL
my new layout is for the eyes. MY BAD! (:

Wednesday, August 09, 2006
what if the time stops ticking at 9:36 PM
after the oh-so-dumb national day celebration in school, i went home, then out again, with sheri/anna/miaohui to cwp then marina square. turns out, i haven't got seven birthday cakes this year, but NINE. -bangsheadonthewall- should i be feeling HAPPY or plain fat.
after that, anna went off, leaving the three of us to head down to The Esplanade to watch the fireworks. it was spectacular. yes, it was. i give it two thumbs up. no, THREE! (uh, right. i dont have three thumbs) anyhow, we waited for more than an hour, till the beautiful fireworks shot up high into the sky, dazzling. so, we waited for eons, only to watch smth which lasted for minutes. hur.
EVERYONE made their way out of the place. so it's no surprise it was jam-packed with earthlings. i was literally SQUASHED and almost lost sight of the two girls. mh's ezlink was out of cash, so we decided to take a bus. we walked a long LONG distance, risking out lives running across this hectic road, getting ourselves 'lost' and finally finding a bus stop. we thought, ahh~ at last! but when we boarded that lao pok bus 700A, we got ourselves stuck in a massive traffic jam & a bus raided with baby cockroaches. HELLO? DOES ANYBODY EVEN CLEAN THE BUS? for the whole journey, we had our legs lifted up, watching out for the roaches, which was utterly disturbing.
by the time we reached bukit panjang interchange, it was nearly 12midnight. no 975 for us to take, so we walked all the way out to take 190, to cck interchange, then 300, home. i was EXHAUSTED. went home, showered, then fell asleep, all the way until 1240pm today. haha.
happy national day, to all (:

Monday, August 07, 2006
what if the time stops ticking at 11:49 PM
birthdays. they come once a year. some, once in four years. supposedly, special. a day girls/boys get gifts, a birthday cake, hugs and kisses, handshakes, greetings, and more gifts. i wasn't psyched about the whole birthday thing. i told kyl, i think it's an old age symptom.
but at twelve midnight on the 7th of August 2006. i was awoken by my brother. he played multiple YouTube Happy Birthday videos, non-stop. HA! the whole scenario was hilarious (: and thoughtful. at the same time, sms-es were coming in. for 40minutes, i was receiving and sending messages. (crap, my bill's going to shoot SKY HIGH) soon after, i fell asleep.
in school, anna/sheri/miaohui had this plot. a plot which i knew was going on, but i played along for as long as it lasted. alas, i opened my pencil case. a small black book, personalised (: aww. okay, here's the part i start introducing the presents. haa.

a book, so black, so plain. made into something, so meaningful. filled with memoirs. handmade, with love (HAHA). okay. the contents are absolutely Private & Confidential, as they contain, certain stuff which are not to be revealed to other people. 20 years down the road, i'd take the book out, slap myself in the forehead and laugh my ass off (: -given to by anna/sheri/miaohui.

gifts from my beloved mother (the card), the two angbaos are from daddy dearest and the World's Greatest Grandmother. they all contain the same thing, you-know-what-la-hor :D hahaha. i love them, i love them ALL, wholeheartedly. yes, i do.

early in the morning, she comes to me, and hands me this pretty little bag. and that's what was inside. YUMMY (and fattening) chocolate. and a handwritten note to me. five years of friendship, and counting? (: -given to by kavidha.

funny, thou we're not like CLOSE friends or anything, he gave me this pack of GOLDEN chocolate (OMG! double fattening spree) i was pretty, stunned. and happy at the same time. -given to by yazid.

very VERY pretty sleek black packaging with sweet looking earrings. she says, "it's from me, myself and i" yup! it's from jialing. haha.
fast forward again
i reached home from the hectic school life of mine. tired and all, lying on the couch, watching telly. suddenly kyl & sher pops into my house. SURPRISE! hahaha. they bought six mini cakes! plus my other birthday cake from my family.

that's a whopping SEVEN number birthday cakes i have this year. tell me who has SEVEN cakes in one birthday. haha. lucky or what? O.o so kyl & sher stayed for dinner. we snapped TONNES of pictures. as if we were in some studio. haha. crapped around. and had FUN. i'm short of one picture. a present from my two darlings. apparently, i've put it in the washing machine (they got me two tees). tsktsk (:
here, i would like to thank each and EVERY one who wished me and for everything other thing else. THANK YOU!

Sunday, August 06, 2006
what if the time stops ticking at 8:43 PM
last night was the last driven family outing we had. (weeps) anyhow, yesterday was an advanced birthday celebration. initially, we planned to go to East Coast's Fisherman's Village ordering sting ray, satay, seafood and all. but DANG! the placed closed down exactly a week ago, as of today. -slaps forehead- still, i got a shot or two.

aww. pretty shot isn't it (:

swish swash.
i want to soak my feet in the water.

this was the place we were suppose to go.
dining right by the beach,
with many MANY different variety of yummy food.
as soon as i snapped that picture, we walked ahead to find if there's any place for us to dine. then, i screamed. this wriggly BRIGHT green thing was on my black shirt. i could see it distinctively. things turned ugly, no thanks to that stupid worm/caterpillar. the camera dropped and she yelled at me. HELLO? i did not want that dumb little thing to scare the living daylights out of me. i pulled a long face for awhile, and thought. why spoil the rest of my day 'cause of this matter. so, we found this place to dine at. the food was okay, but i ADORE the soda (: people! let's all go there one day and feast to our hearts' content. (one day..)
right before we started dining, big fat drops of rain started trickling down. soon after we finished our meal, the rain stopped. we headed off to this pool table and my mom & i watched both my brother and father play.
after the game, dad drove us to Changi Airport, 'cause mom says she's giving us Swensen's treat (: pity the queue was never-ending. still, we bought cones, sat down and licked our ice-cream. (okay, i was the only one licking it) hur.
had a long car ride home. had the last long car ride home. (weeps again) i definitely had a blast yesterday. thank you my beloved family.

Friday, August 04, 2006
what if the time stops ticking at 10:39 PM
I am worth $1,299,224 on
check this website out. check how much you're worth (:

what if the time stops ticking at 9:50 PM
now, everyday is a day i loathe abhorrently.
only because everyday is a bad day.
i'm tearing up inside.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006
what if the time stops ticking at 9:18 PM
have you ever cried because you were so dead angry? i certainly did. today, was the very first time i felt so mad i couldnt contain it and wept. all the rage in you struggling to erupt. i felt used. very used. used over and over again. i cant help but to look at all of your faces and label you HYPOCRITE. whenever you people need help/favours, you suddenly become the nicest, most sweetest person on the universe. as though we've been the best of buds for centuries.
i know it's dangerous and all to actually type this out here. but right now, i dont really give two hoots about it. some time back, during lesson time, my classmate grabbed my book while i was in the midst of doing my work and ran off, using it to pose that she's completed her work. i couldnt complete my work because she took my book. the next lesson, she didn't bring my book, again, i couldn't do my work. today, i got my book back. and realised that my name was being liquid-ed away and she had written her name and register number over it, submitted it in as HER work. i was...dumbfounded? no. used. maybe you think, it's only a book what. why are you making such a big fuss over it? but put yourself in my shoes, and tell me how you'd feel. i feel AWFUL. no different from you taking a dagger and stabbing it in my back.
there are two other matters, which i dare not type out here. sigh. i went home today, told my mother everything. she told me off. saying, why are you always letting people climb on top of my head. why am i always letting other people bully me. why dont i stand up for myself. why am i afraid of them. why should i be afraid of them. i feel like a tortise. whenever in fear, i hide in my shell. i feel, useless.
is the word HATE, the proper and right word to describe what i feel when i look at those people? maybe not. maybe i'm too tired to hate any of you. maybe i shouldn't even bother. maybe i'll just wait for the end of 3 months and rid any associations we have. maybe i'll do just that. maybe.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006
what if the time stops ticking at 7:40 PM
greetings ;
HAPPY 1st of AUGUST (: