Wednesday, May 31, 2006what if the time stops ticking at 10:09 PM
KUDOS TO MYSELF! hahaha (: it's up. it's FINALLY up. three cheers for that. haha. so yeah, i spent roughly about two nights designing the skin and configuring the
mind-wrecking html.
no pain no gain right? heh! happy
- -- - - - -- - - - --
went to queensway with sheri today. walked around (alot). it was abit uncomfortable i must say. cos my jeans were falling off. so loose. argh. but i had to bear with it anyway. so we dint see anything appealing over there, and decided to head off to Bugis, where she got herself two tops. stripe-y and purple. haha. (: nice. then we went took the mrt back and on the way, my mom called me, asking me to buy Chye Sim for her to cook. ohman! haha. i bought the veggie. then went to buy this belt (ah-ha! for the loose
loose jeans). yay-ness.
yawns. tired. have been staying up late these few days.
watching tv.. hurhur! last night i watched a
classic. cinderella. lol. hannr hannr, still small la. =D
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
what if the time stops ticking at 9:32 PM
i've been working on a new layout for my blog. cos the day before, i happened to come across this blog, of which, the owner shares the same name as yours truly and she has the exact same layout as me. sheesh. talk about coincidence. hopefully i can get it done by tonight. or tomorrow night? oh well. hopefully.... heh!
thing is, i'm addicted to the box of coloured moving pictures. O.O yes, the almighty invention by's that guy's name again??) oh nvm. anyhow, the television a.k.a TV. ever since we subscribed to scv, i've been GLUED to the tv i once never even watched for days and days! call me a potato couch. HUR. x) the internet's getting plain old boring. nothing to do online anymore. ayee. waiting for the animes to be released. sick of maple. nobody to chat with online. blogged. no inspiration for graphic designing. hur. i'll just stick to watching my beautiful tv la. (: weeeeha!
was supposed to go cycling with sheri and anna tomorrow, but the whole thing has been postponed to some time, next time? o.O so sheri and i are going to queeeensway tomorrow. haha. tata people, off to finish up the layout thing.

Monday, May 29, 2006
what if the time stops ticking at 10:47 PM
i'm suppose to help a friend of mine burn this stinking cd, compressing all the files and burning it. but obviously stupid ol' rachel doesnt know how to do it. sigh. frankly, i dont really like burning cds. cos it's pretty much a hassle. super duper troublesome. and totally LAGS my computer. -whacks comp-
anyway, i've gained approval to 'anyhow' burn the cd whichever way i like. hurhur. (: so what the heck?
grabs a lighter and starts BURNING the cd. heh!
dumb remedials tomorrow. dang. -slaps forehead-
i dont wanna go. i dont wanna go. i dont wanna go. i dont wanna go. ahhhh.

Sunday, May 28, 2006
what if the time stops ticking at 3:47 PM
sunny rainy sunday! ahh. lovely weather. (: cosy and nice. these few days i hvnt been sleeping well. keep waking up to the sounds of my brother's crutches each time he goes to the toilet. (plus the times i go to the loo, about 4 times last night?) so i get up and help him with his leg. hurhur. it's getting better i guess. heh. i always have to get this for him, get that for him. -slaps forehead- but its alright la. i am, afterall his one and only bestest, most thoughtful, kind, and caring sister. HA!
anyhooooo, i'm sososososoSO deeeeeply in looove with this gorgeous thing. xD i have to wait for months before i can get it. (hopefully) boo. check it out;

tsktsk. lovely isn't it? (: ladida.
my kor says he wanna get that one too.
AHH! nononoooo! it's all mine!
up till today i'm bored leh.
sigh. nothing to do.
nothing at all..
all the best to those taking the chi O's paper tomorrow! (:

Friday, May 26, 2006
what if the time stops ticking at 10:28 PM
i'm so darn tired.
are you tired?
i dont feel like typing anything today.
feel so lazy.
today's the last day of slacker's day.
after this, study study all the way! ):
[hurhur. not literally ALL THE WAY la]
tired. tired. very tired.
-starts crawling to bed-

Thursday, May 25, 2006
what if the time stops ticking at 11:42 PM
Mark your confessions:
[x] I'm afraid of silence.
[x] I talk A LOT when I get really nervous.
[x] I am really ticklish.
[ ] I'm afraid of the dark.
[ ] I'm afraid of facing my back to open doors at night.
[ ] I can't sleep in a room if the door is open
[ ] I can't sleep in a room if the door is closed
[ ] I am afraid of gay or lesbian people.
[x] I believe in true love.
[ ] I've run away from home
[ ] I listen to political music
[ ] I collect comic books
[x] I shut others out when I'm sad.
[ ] I've stayed out all night.
[ ] I open up to others easily.
[x] I am keeping a secret from the world.
[ ] I watch the news
[ ] I own over 5 rap CDs.
[x] I love Disney movies.
[ ] I am a sucker for green eyes.
[x] I am a sucker for brown eyes.
[x] I am a sucker for blue eyes
[ ] I dont kill bugs
[ ] I curse.
[ ] I have an "x" in my screen name.
[x] I've slipped and fell in public.
[x] I've slipped out a "lol" in a real conversation.
[ ] I love Spam....
[ ] I bake well
[ ] I have worn pajamas to class.
[ ] I have owned something from Abercrombie.
[x] I want a better job
[ ] Talked on a phone for 6+ hours.
[ ] I love Dr. Phil.
[ ] I like multiple people
[ ] I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS.
[x] I am self-conscious.
[x] I love to laugh.
[ ] I have smoked a pack in one day.
[ ] I loved Lord of the Flies.
[ ] I have cough drops when I'm not sick.
[ ] I can't swallow pills.
[x] I have a lot of scars.
[x] I can't sleep if there is a spider in the room.
[x] I love chocolate.
[ ] I bite my nails.
[x] I am not comfortable with being me.
[x] I play computer games when I'm bored.
[x] Gotten lost in the city.
[x] Thought of suicide before.
[ ] Seen a shooting star.
[ ] Had a menage a trois.
[ ] Gone out in public in my pajamas
[ ] Have kissed someone really strange....
[ ] Hugged a stranger.
[ ] Been in a bloody fist fight with someone of a
diff. sex.
[ ] Been in a fist fight
[ ] Been arrested.
[x] Laughed and had some type of beverage come
out of my nose.
[x] Pushed all the buttons on an elevator.
[ ] made out in an elevator.
[ ] Swore at Liberace.
[ ] Kicked a guy where it hurts on purpose
[ ] Been skydiving.
[ ] Been bungee jumping.
[ ] Gotten stitches.
[ ] Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour
[ ] Bitten someone
[ ] Been to Niagara Falls.
[x] Gotten the chicken pox.
[ ] Crashed into a car...
[ ] been to Japan.
[x] Ridden in a taxi.
[ ] shoplifted
[ ] Been fired.
[x] Had feelings for someone who didn't have themback.
[x] Stole (pssst! i took hor ; warning! dont copy this) something from your job.
[ ] Gone on a blind date.
[ ] Had a crush on a teacher/coach.
[ ] Celebrated Mardi Gras in New Orleans.
[ ] Been to Europe.
[ ] Slept with a co-worker, and/or employee.
[ ] been to New York
[ ] Been married
[ ] Gotten divorced
[x] Saw someone/something dying.
[x] Have a list of people you want to kill.
[ ] Driven over 400 miles in one day.
[ ] Been to Canada.
[x] Been on a Plane.
[ ] Seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
[ ] Thrown up in a bar or club
[x] Eaten sushi.
[ ] Been snowboarding.
[ ] Continued to care for someone sooo much
even though you know you can't have them
[ ] taken a picture just for the sole purpose of
putting it on myspace/friendster..
[x] Been ice skating
[x] Cried in public.
[ ] Walked purposely into traffic with your eyes
[ ] been at a party and instead of giving out yourphone number you give them your mypsace nameand say look me up
[x] liked someone even though you knew youshouldn't have.
[ ] Thought of someone a lot lately.
[x] Hate the world.
[ ] Love someone who doesnt realize it
[ ] have your cell phone permanently attached to
your hand/hip
[ ] cried over a guy/girl you didnt even go out with.

what if the time stops ticking at 8:49 PM
ouch. ouch. ouch. my brother is in pain. i came home from school, hoping my kor and mom's back home from the hospital. and YAY-ness. found my brother lying on his bed and mom was using the computer. but you can tell my brother's leg hurt so damn much. and he's awfully frustrated la. he cant move his leg at all. and need help from people. i'm hoping his leg will get well soon. sigh. it hurts to see him like this. i can literally feel his pain. what's more, he's the sort that wont say a thing even if he's feeling super lousy. i helped him about, and became his personal assistant for a while just now (and probably will be for quite a long time). hahaha.
we had this dumb dumb DUMB fire drill while i was in school. waste of time. -slaps forehead- of which i already knew beforehand. oh let me die in the fire rather than stand in the sorching hot sun.
tmr's the last day of slacker's school day. after that its the mark of all holiday remedials, revision, and not missing out FUN (for awhile?) ladida.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006
what if the time stops ticking at 10:09 PM
i'm awfully tired. dnt wasnt so bad today. (: as a matter of fact, it was preeeetty fun! haha. aloy, steph (jt) and i were laughing our heads off. steph and i kept poking fun at aloy. his new name is 'Hum Sup Lou' (in cantonese). anyway, there were lots and lots of funny funny scenarios which i'm lazy to type. hurhur. =x
the funniest was when i accidentally broke the 'spraying part' of the spray paint can. then aloy tried helping me fix it. he pushed the cap in forcefully. BUT. it got jammed. and started to spraaaaay non-stop. the whole scene was damn funny. steph took the can, threw it on the floor, and made the whole thing seem like some terrorist chemical warfare. the wall, the floor, some shelf thing; they were all stained with shocking red paint. heh.
then we continued crapping in the workshop until mr neo came in to ask me to clear up the mess i made. steph accompanied me. anyway our hands stinked so bad, after scrubbing off all the paint with thinner and cloths. when we were done, mr tan got all LAME again. saying, "omg. you all just murdered somebody issit? how come the cloth so much blood" -slaps forehead- den steph went like, "oh! no! we just finish killing chickens." mr tan, "i thought you all murdered a human being." blah blah. mr tan's not much of a bad person afterall! haha. (:
after school i went to buy the stuff for the hamper with steph & aloy. then we came back to school. anna miaohui and sheri came to class to find me. den we wrapped up the hamper, which looked downright gorgeous (IN INVERTED COMMAS). ha! after that i rushed off to NUH to visit my brother. when i reached my destination, my brother just came out from the operation room for about half an hour. he seemed VERY drowsy and weak? but got better gradually. i'm hoping he can come home tmr. boohoo. ): and his friggin' MC is THREE MONTHS. omg? that's a nightmare. the computer! nooooo! but he says he's going to give me intensive tutorials for Os preparation. uh-oh? hahaha. go for it rachel. tsktsk. get well soon, kor. i have to shower now. cos i STiNK. goooodbye.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006
what if the time stops ticking at 8:12 PM
dnt mania DAY TWO. boo. things weren't going very smoothly for my artefact. the holes i drilled were so darn crooked and out-of-shape. wasnt very pleased then. and things had to worsen. while i was filing off a sharp edge, i cut my finger and it bled alot. it was a deep cut. ouch! ):
then i had these lousy lousy thoughts about my stinking project. how much it sucked. how simple and not special it was. sigh. anyway mr tan and mr ho did say some comforting things. then i turned to aloy and said, "i see a ray of sunlight! i see it!" okok. cold. brrrr.
went to bishan with anna and miaohui after school to collect anna's dnt electronic thingy. while miaohui ordered hers. then blah blah blah. i have to end now. have to buy those stupid CIP hamper thing at lot1. boo. take care people.

Monday, May 22, 2006
what if the time stops ticking at 9:08 PM
first day of the Chinese Intensive week and it's killing them all alrdy. HURHUR! aint that right my fellow friends. (:
my day started off horribly. we were asked to sit in a class to do self-study. and obviously NOBODY did that la. then jiansheng went to find Mr Tan to ask if he could do his DNT artefact. soon after, Mr Tan came into the classroom and 'dragged' the DNT students to the workshop. but HEY! he mentioned that if we finish evrythng by the end of this week, (knowing that i have 5 entire school days to complete) i'll NOT have to go back to school during the 2nd week!
i HAVE to complete my work. i just HAVE to! -shrieks- i want to earn myself an extra week of HOLIDAY. ahhh! hahahaha. all the best to myself? ladida.
heh! catched Poseidon just now with a friend. it was hilarious? -slaps forehead- you see people flying off the ship, swung here and there. and..dying? i had fun guessing who'd die next. but the person i want most to die, DINT die at all. crap! that stinking old man. hur~ oh! right! kurt russell died! dang. and he died the exact same way my pet prawn died! he went into spasm, jerked a few times and DIED. oh man. pity pity.
okay. so i type in a happy happy tone. when in real fact i'm NOT. i did pull a really looooonng face at the end of the day. which made me feel abit bad. but. i had my reasons la. the swings come and go as they please. that's so not good at all. ayee. i'm a weird fellow. i'm a bloody weird person.

Sunday, May 21, 2006
what if the time stops ticking at 11:02 PM
IN LOVING MEMORY OF (rachel's) k700i.
about half an hour ago. my beloved. my one and only. my dearest phone got sold off. that piercing pang of distress..
mom said i had to sell asap because it's condition. its' getting from bad to worse? my phone heats up for no reason and makes weird noises. as if it's gonna explode anytime. (makes me think of MI3's camera which self-destructed) hur.
so anyway, goodbye phone ):
i'll miss you. terribly. -frowns-
i'm stuck with some laoyapok phone now. probably for another 4months? (if i use my dad's contract) OR until NEXT march. (if i stick to my own contract) ahhh! what tragedy!
i've got to go to school tmr. to waste my time. argh. and there i was thinking i could have an extra week of holiday. BOO! boo the school! how can i survive in school with absolutely nothing to do! ahh!
tick-tock. tick-tock. tick-tock.

Saturday, May 20, 2006
what if the time stops ticking at 11:18 PM
met up with my parents at IMM in the evening 'cause they were checking out the parquet wood floor thingy. seems my parents have decided to rectify the problem with my flooring. apparently the HDB people gave us inferior quality tiles which is making my floor look DIRTY, when it's not. so mom and dad's doing something about it at long last. three cheers for that! heh.
they have sort of decided on the colour. but i was SO hoping for my room's flooring to be of a very very VERY dark brown colour. i've seen how interior designers do up a house/room using those super duper dark brown wood. makes the place look warm and classy? oh well, at least i think that way.
and the best part of the WHOLE package (dad's package) is that he has decided to RE-PAINT the house. YES!!!!!!! kiss my pink room goodbye! yahoo! i was thinking of green this time round. kind of complements my furniture and..bin?
but the whole process is going to be darn troublesome la. dismantling the furnitures, packing of stuff and all. but it's worth it right? =/ hur.
i cant wait, i cant wait, i cant wait.
i'm sick of all the mood swings.
i'm sick of the lousy feeling.
i'm sick of being in the doldrums.
i'm sick of myself.

Friday, May 19, 2006
what if the time stops ticking at 9:15 PM
horrible day. we got back our results and we got our (INVERTED COMMAS) "holiday" schedule. and i have to go back to school the whole of next week to waste my time.
-slaps forehead-
my results, needless to say, is horrendous. i will not elaborate on that. hur.
my dear BELOVED june holidays. gone. no more. POOOOF! four beeeaautifoool weeks of my HOLIDAY.
hol·i·day ;
A day free from work that one may spend at leisure, especially a day on which custom or the law dictates a halting of general business activity to commemorate or celebrate a particular event.
four weeks down to ONE. omg la. give me back my holidays.
-stares at....nothing-
lessons. lessons. and more lessons. then there's the stinking dnt artefact to complete. ahhh! starts finding a key to unlock myself from this thick, long and fat chain.
it has turned into a complete NIGHTMARE!
night·mare ;
1. A dream arousing feelings of intense fear, horror, and distress.
2. An event or experience that is intensely distressing.
3. A demon or spirit once thought to plague sleeping people.
ayee. my wallet's losing its capacity by the days. it was fat then. but now. )): oh well. so many movies to catch. little time, so little money..
' Poseidon
' Da Vinci Code.
' X-Men 3: The Last Stand
' Superman Returns
' She's The Man
' Pirates of the Caribbean 2
' Scary Movie 4
' Omen
' Garfield 2
SO MANY RIGHT?! ahhh. -pulls hair-
oh well, 'nuff said. i'm going to watch Aquamarine now. tata!
mooo-veeeeee maniiiaaaa! heh heh!

Thursday, May 18, 2006
what if the time stops ticking at 10:18 PM
the special HOLIDAY today. heh. sheri anna and i went to ECP without mh, cos she refused to go despite our pleas. boo. so we had this long ride to ECP, mrt and bus. when we reached there, we rented bikes and rode, and rode.
anna has this phobia about going near bicycles? haha. there was this turning point where both our bikes nearly crashed but she dint turn away (while i did) and she banged the dustbin with a loud crash. okay, here was the scenario:
Anna not turning away from collision: -speeding towards the bin-
Rachel shouts: ANNNNA!!!!!!!!
Anna when banged the bin: -BAAAANG!!!!-
okok. so maybe you people cant picture it, but it was DEAD hilarious. we were laughing our asses off. anyhow, in between our ride, we went to 7-11 to grab a bite and to quench our thirst. the service there, i give it ZERO out of ten. i accidentally knocked over my cup of slurpee and the cashier named TONY TAN kept making this sound (i dont know how to type out the sound here) and he was very bu shuang la. stupid fellow. not as if i did it deliberately. pffft.
after that, cycled somemore. and returned the bikes. we took the mrt. and decided to drop off at somerset. where we went to The Heerens and we saw steph a.k.a. jieting there with her mom. and THEN we went hoooomme. ((:
o_O psssst my tagboard's not working what. ):
how come you can tag i cannot. WHY?! arggh.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006
what if the time stops ticking at 9:01 PM
leave me alone.
i hate school.
i HATE school.

what if the time stops ticking at 6:57 PM
today's wednesday. and tomorrow's thursday. HAHA. it's a ho-li-day! put your hands together everybody! woohooo! hahahaha. finally a BREAK from dull old school. bet everybody's glad glad glad. initially wanted to stay home. sleep late tonight, wake up late the next day, watch tv, use the computer, watch animes, play my game, and simply SLACK the entire day.
but my plan backfired? haha. sheri organised this ECP thingy for the four of us. cycling and stuff. ((: i guess it beats staying at home to rot right. hmm. oh well. sheri anna and i are having a hard hard time trying to persuade mh to go. hopefully she goes. boo.
in reply to those two who AMAZINGLY managed to tag. it's not CONFIRMED that i'll not have to go to school next week. chances are i have to go back, probably for self study? CRAP.
-whacks own head-
my dear DEAR tagboard. when are you going to be fixed? sigh.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006
what if the time stops ticking at 7:28 PM
oh my oh my. i just realised i dint update yesterday. lol. oh well. there isn't anything to update on anyway. yawns. school lessons has once again begun. i kept yawning and yawning and yawning in class today. especially during chemistry lessons. it felt as if someone hung two tonnes of weight on both my eyes. heaaavyy. very. haha. lessons resumed BUT the eat-sleep-play mood is still there. no mood whatsoever to start studying again. boo.
school was a TOTAL drag today. i'm so used to the we-get-to-go-home-around-ten-smth-after-the-exams-YAY timing. the only way i can keep myself awake and energetic is talk to The Trios about nonsensical stuffs. lol. ((:
so i heard next week's program for school is Intensive Chinese studying? -BIG BIG SMILE- heh. does that mean i dont have to go to school for a week? AHH! hahaha. does that mean i get an week of EXTRA holiday? tell me it's true! TELL ME! -screams- wahahaha.
ah. my stinking tagboard's website is down. SORRY people. Temporarily Out Of Service. hurhur.

Sunday, May 14, 2006
what if the time stops ticking at 10:05 PM
like any other blogs (i think) ..
heh! so we had a mini celebration again. my family, together with porpor, gong gong and my granduncle. dint have much of an appetite. i dont know why. anyway, there was this woman clearing up the table and wiping it which pissed me off cos when she wiped the table, all the bones and whatnots started flying towards me, landing on my shorts. crap. and of ALL places, she had to squeeze in between me and my mother with that big butt of hers. she dint even BOTHER saying excuse me.
bah. lousy mood again. must be PMS. hur. spoiling everything. oh well. -looks downwards- school's starting tmr again. am SO NOT looking forward to it. i hate long weekends. very holiday mood. especially since the exams just ended not long ago and since the holidays are in about two weeks time. ahhh. i dont wanna go to school!
-joins all the blankets i can find in the house together and throws it down sixteen storeys, climbing down and running far far away-

Saturday, May 13, 2006
what if the time stops ticking at 11:36 PM
ahh. dumb stupid irritating body of mine. i had diarrhea in the middle of the night. OMG la. so sudden? anyway. i woke up three friggin' times to pass motion. hur. interupt my beauty sleep. boo. but lucky for me, it's minor.
at 11am i met both the girls. and we went to marina square. i was practically on a shopping spree. (my long awaited one) heh! darn cool. but each time i took my hard earned money (the skipping-recess-and-sometimes-lunch-money-resulting-in-gastric) from my wallet, my heart cringed (sort of?) heh heh! but what the heck. it's been donkey years since i last REALLY shopped like that. weeee! fun fun FUN.
in the late evening my parents and brother came to look for me at marina square and i left both of them. we went to Marche at suntec city. oOoo. yummy yum. we had this lamb thing with mashed potato. this rosti and looonng sausage. calamari. soft shell crab. this mushroom thing with mashed potatoes again. and MANGO CREPE with custard and chocolate sauce and icing sugar. OMG. marvelous i say! to die for and a must-have whenever we go there. ((:
den we walked around suntec city for a bit. saw this really cool laptop. ahhh. how i long for one. sigh. but i'll just have to wait till next year IF i enter a polytechnic course which requires one (if i get into the poly?) yupyup. and we went into this pet shop. thr was this SUPER CUTE hamster. white and a dash of black. very special. very a-dor-a-ble. it had its teeny weeny hands cupped together, shivering away. omg? hahaha.
so after that we walked back to the mrt station and went home! hurhur.
it's a bee-you-tee-fool day!

Friday, May 12, 2006
what if the time stops ticking at 9:47 PM
happy vesak day everyone! hahaha. i slept at 3am last night. clearing out all the animes from my computer, burning them into cds. and poor me had to wake up early in the morning today. anyway, my family and i went to the temple, then we had dim sum. hurhur. after that we visited my ahma. capital, bold and underlined BORING. so i watched my brother and cousin play this game. but soon fell asleep on the bed. zzz.
now that the exams are OVER, i've so many Post Exam Activities to do. -big grins-
let's see. i've a book to read. many many episodes of anime to watch. leveling to do in maple. watching movies. and definitely going oooout. ahh. i love the aftermath of exams. reeeeelaxing. heh.
so i'm meeting up with kylie and sherlin tmr at 11am. ohman. and i thought i could sleep until eleven. boo. i shan't complain about spending quality time with that two girls. ladida. i think the last time we went out was uhh....last year? O.O i think.. heh!

Thursday, May 11, 2006
what if the time stops ticking at 10:39 PM
yoooohoo people ((:
i'm BACK. hahaha. met up with kyl today. i am so HAPPY. hee. ladida. we chatted and chatted. we shopped and shopped. we ate and ate. we had a ball. yes we did. okay, at least i did!
i'm grin grin grinning away right now. i dont know why. hurhur. so long never lydat go out alrdy. ahh! hahahaha. hope we can have more of such outings. weeee. her birthday is coming SOON. i think i know what to get her. -grins- yahooooo. i'm going to shower now.
goodbye for now!
((: heh!
that gap. i think it's closing.
i think......
i dont want to lose that grip again.
i dont want to.
-holds on tight-

what if the time stops ticking at 2:14 PM
hip hip HOORAY!
hip hip HOORAY!
hip hip HOORAY!
hurhur. congratulations to all. you've made it through the exams! yayness. so 2h30mins of DNT was darn long. why dont they shorten it to say..2hrs? cos that's roughly about how long i took to complete it ((:
i sat there for the last 30minutues. fidgeting. most of the time looking over at priya's artwork, lip-talking with anna, smiling at jialing, watching libin and his weird actions, eyes following the teachers, and in between everything i mentioned, glancing over to the black clock hung on the wall many many many times. o.o
i'm going out out OUT with my daaaaarling friend later. hahaha. yay yay. cant wait. it's been so so LONG since i last seen or went out with her.
-prances around-
LOL. few more hours and i'm out of here. weeeee!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006
what if the time stops ticking at 8:32 PM
its a bad day. its a bad bad day. the same stinking bus driver made me almost late for school again. this time, worse than ever. argh! bus188 has been coming really late lately. usually at 643am - 645am there'll be a bus. but yesterday and today, the buses were LATE. ytd, 653am and the bus still dint come, so i rushed to take e mrt and reached school 3minutes before the school bell went. today, i waited. and i waited. until 650am. the bus came. then i saw that driver. she has long black hair. straight fringe across her forehead, pleated hair. THAT WOMAN. she who made me late for that measly ONE MINUTE the other time. yes, it's her! she who waits for every single person to board the bus no matter how PACKED the bus is. she who waits for people STROLLING metres away from the bus. she who drives like a snail. she who made me nearly late for school again today.
i ran.. no! i SPRINTED to school today. down 188, and zoooooom! to school. on the way, sheri called me, when i was like metres AWAY from school, telling me the bell had rung. SHIT i though. no i'm not doing detention TODAY, when i'm dismissed at 840. never! increased my paced and by the time i stepped into school, my shirt was tucked out, hair MESSY like some gorilla. i was panting, i was perspiring, and i was pale. but i had to stand still through the national anthem and pledge which seemed like eons, legs all wobbly and achy, dizzy and all.
so yeah. that was my stinking day.
LAST PAPER TOMORROW PEOPLE! three cheers for that! yaaaay! -bighugs- hahahaha. dnt. that 2h30min paper in that icy coooold room which sends shiiiivers running down your spine. brrrr. heh.
all the best and best of luck to one and all!
hurhur. the next time you hear me wishing you people luck will be. eh. prelims issit? o.O or Common Test 2. lol. whatever. think so far for what. ((: TAKE CARE!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006
what if the time stops ticking at 4:26 PM
ah. today i'm free from papers. free from school. but trapped in this house of mine. apparently dad took leave from work. and the pressure's setting in.
hate it when he's home. argh. study study study. that's all he ever says to me. i rather no communication between us if that's all he's ever gonna say to me. sigh.
early in the morning my parents and i went to delifrance for breakfast. then watched MI3. awesome action packed movie. two thumbs up! then went to popular. got myself 3 books. (no, not storybooks) books for REVISION. hurhur. went for lunch, did a lil grocery shopping down at NTUC with them, then we headed home.
lousy mood.
stinking mood.
moody mood.
i dont feel like talking.
i dont feel like listening.
i dont feel like doing anything.
i have a phobia. a phobia of which i'm afraid when people ask me to study. family. grandparents. relatives. friends. everybody asks me to study. stop it. stop it people. stop asking me to study. i'll study when i know i have to. stop bugging me people.. stop it!

Monday, May 08, 2006
what if the time stops ticking at 7:45 PM
physics paper ended, then the four of us went up one level, sat on some brown bench and waited for mh to finish up her dnt. (yes my fellow earthlings. the one i slogged thru countless nights, painstakingly, to complete everything, NIGHTS ago) haha.
anyhow, after that, we went to have breakfast at MacDonalds. then we separated in pairs again. but awhile ltr ended up together again. ((:
as usual.. (yes the trio, i said i'd post it up, and now im doing it!) hurhur. oh right, as usual THREE of them will always bully me. so today someone came to my rescue. eh, three cheers for that? heh. i say THANK YOU to the auntie at Mac. -grins- she actually stood up for me! aww. how sweet of her. lol. oh well. (i dont even rmb her name, so much for being a good samaritan)
so sometimes i get really pissed at him for making such a big hoo-ha over my blog. his mouth can be like so darn big at times (correction: all the time) his mouth? NOTHING good comes out from it. i think he's the backstabber sort? and he likes to exaggerate about things like nobody's business. he for one loves irritating the hell out of people. and i for one gets irritated very easily. so he benefits, that's for sure. each time i try not to fall into that pithole. sometimes i succeed, sometimes i dont. but what the heck. why the hell should i let someone like him spoil my day rotten?
live and let live? hahaha.

Sunday, May 07, 2006
what if the time stops ticking at 8:41 PM
early mother's, or rather mothers', day celebration today. first my porpor & gong gong came over. then slowly slowly everyone gathered and proceeded on to dinner at the nearby eating place. the chilli crabs were practically flying evrywhr, splattering on some of our clothes. ugh. haha.
grandma gave each of us angbaos. ((: evry special occasion that has to do with her rewards us with these glimmering red packets. of course there's this bit of guilt when you take it from her hands, since she's no longer working/earning any money.
as usual, each time they meet up. they talk about the recent issues. like today's one was none other than the elections. lol. stayed up to watch, surprisingly. hurhur. it was lol. my parents and i were like guessing whether PAP or the opposition parties would win. one of the ministers look like 'the brain' from pinky and the brain. o.O big and shiny forehead.
i've yet to study for my physics paper tmr. and i think everyone has completed their revision alrdy. =x (i'll do it later la!) this MYEs i am very very much sure i WONT do well and maybe even not pass a single paper (yes yes, i've mentioned this before) so i will now wave my white flag and admit defeat. BUT will be back to trash the O levels and hopefully the prelims too.
why i repeated the whole load of crap, is cos mom gave me a really long talk yesterday. (which i got myself into) but. it's not really a bad thing. evrytime she talks to me. she talks SENSE into me. which sort of..wakes me up? for a while. haha. this time, this while is gonna be for a LONG while. she helped me plan out my time, for when school 'reopens', for when intensive studying begins. start early she says. cos practice makes perfect. i always had this so-what-if-im-gonna-study-early-im-going-to-forget-evrythng-by-the-time-Os-come-what mentality. oh well. i'll go with my mom's planning this time. i mustn't let my parents, my family and evryone else down this time. ONE whole friggin' year has gone down the drain. it bloody STINKS when you see all your primary school friends you 'graduate' with, IN the jc or poly now on the streets with this dumb (NOT) laptop in between their armpits. so waiting for my day to come. )):
off i go for my shower and (emphasizes) STUDY now. hurhur.

Saturday, May 06, 2006
what if the time stops ticking at 10:17 PM
family and i went to chinatown in the evening. it's been quite some time since we last went out together for a goody-good meal. ((:
not much of a day. spent most of my time mapling. o.O hur. trying to catch up with everyone else (EXCEPT WEILIANG).. i sure hope he reads this. HAR HAR.
people. dont you realise my entries are getting shorter and SHORTER these days? =/ that's a bad thing right. hmm. ahh. nobody cares anyway.
byebye computer. i have to relinquish the throne to my brother now. )): boo.

Friday, May 05, 2006
what if the time stops ticking at 11:52 PM
found something to blog on. heh.
so my old pal, vannessa, and i. we chatted (sort of) at night on msn. i helped her out with her blog and stuff. i dont know why. but it made me think..back? okay. maybe it's natural for one to think this way. i got to know her in primary four.
(okay, a little background information here)
haha. background info. -slaps forehead- humanities? -slaps again-
- some of you may know i've got three primary schools.
p1-3: rulang primary
p4: de la salle
p5-6: concord primary
so yeah. i got to know her in p4. at that time. we weren't exactly good friends, i hung out with a different company, and we dint talk much to each other. but the funny thing is when i transferred to another school, we started sending snail mails to each other frequently. we became really good friends. every other holiday we'd meet up. yeap. (okay. i'm not going to write a life story here.) so, cut cut cut cut CUT.
thing is. i miss her. i miss my old friend. in fact. i miss all my old friends. sigh. at times. (or rather, everytime) i regret. regret writting the school code number on the form for the choice of secodary schools. i wish i could turn BACK time, whack myself in the head, tear that paper, write some other school's number instead.
five years in that school, living a life of misery. but then again, there are some nice people i met. (you know who you are, heh.)
few days back. i met rahila, my p5 good buddy. ((: it was a hi-and-bye thing. uhh. actually no. she dint even say hi. she waved and smile, in between stuffing food into her mouth. she's grown tall. very tall. boo. she used to be the same height as her. -stabs myself- must be netball. again. since it's the same reason why kylie has grown taller than tall. kylie, my p6.......up till now, vry good budd. ((: everything links huh?
but i realised. from vann, ila, (the there's raashi, she immigrated). all of them, who were once, my 'best friends'. have somewhat. vanished? O.o hmm. which makes me think. will my present friends, poof into thin air too?
-looks down- i hope not.
i feel a
between us.
somebody pass me some cement please? i want to fill it up. i dont want the gap to be there. please? anybody? hello? )):

what if the time stops ticking at 7:35 PM
not having to go to school today, i woke up later then the rest. ((: of course the weather made everything better. chilly morning, afternoon and night. watched plenty of tv shows. did chores. and of course now, glued to the computer. brother's out. -handcuffs wrist to computer- hurhur.
long weekend. with nothing much to do. =/ let's see. saturday, i might be going out. sunday, it's a family-get-together thing with my mother's side to celebrate mother's day. monday, back to school for physics paper (and early release). tuesday, off again. wednesday, combine science MCQ paper. thursday, dnt. friday, OFF (vesak day). luxury. -grins-
at least until the release of the MYE results.
-slaps forehead-
i'm troubled.
very troubled.
with no one to talk to.

Thursday, May 04, 2006
what if the time stops ticking at 12:52 PM
hah. let's see. today's post will be about, another personality test. i think its pretty accurate. i dare say about 80% true.
this is the link for the test ;
this is the link to my results ;
(part of the results can be seen by moving mouse cursor over the diagram below)
Generous Designer
My Personal DNA Report
it KILLS boredom flat. since it's a 10-page long test. very diagram-ic, very different from other personality tests. haha. enjoy!
can i boast for a little while?
pretty pretty pleeeeease? (:
okay. i'll shut up (for now) if it makes you happy. -smiles an innocent smile-

Wednesday, May 03, 2006
what if the time stops ticking at 6:51 PM
ta-da! introducing rachel's fine arts number TWO. hahaha. anyway, click to ENLARGE picture. ladida.
so..history paper today? HUR. i studied and memorised MAO'S CHINA. and guess what happened. it came out for the source-based questions!
-pulls out locks and locks of hair-
argh! i was so hoping it'd POP out under the structured essay category and cold war for source based. but it turned out vice-versa. boo. ah what the heck. there's nothing we can do about it now. )):
the paper ended at 910am. early. heh. envious? (envious my foot. i think practically the whole of singapore's secondary schools are having their MYEs now.)
nothing to blog about today. okay. there is. but i'm not posting it up as of yet. maybe when the time is right. or maybe when i cant stand it anymore. i typed it out. but cancel all of it off. not wanting to steer clear of trouble. hur. ding! dinner time.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006
what if the time stops ticking at 6:38 PM
My Life Is 58% Perfect. (pathetic i say)
[x] You know someone that cares about you.
[ ] You have a boyfriend/ girlfriend/ fiancee/ husband/ wife.
[x] You have your own room.
[x] You own a cell phone.
[ ] You get good grades.
[x] You have an ipod/ mp3 player.
[x] Your parents are still married.
[ ] You have more than 2 best friends.
[ ] There is a swimming pool in your backyard.
[x] You live somewhere other than a box.
T O T A L: 6
[x] You dress how you want to.
[x] You hang out with friends more than once a week.
[ ] There is a computer/ laptop in your room.
[x] You have never been beaten up.
[x] You never cry more than twice a month.
[x] You are allowed to listen to the music you want to.
[x] Your room is big enough for you.
[ ] People don't use you for something you have.
[ ] You have been to a concert.
[x] You laugh more than twice a day.
T O T A L: 7
[x] You have over 100 friends on friendster.
[x] You have pictures on friendster.
[x] You get allowance.
[ ] You collect something normal.
[ ] People don't make fun of you to be mean.
[ ] You look forward to go to school.
[x] You don't wish you were someone else.
[ ] You play a sport.
[ ] You do something after school.
[x] You shower daily.
T O T A L: 5
[ ] You own a car.
[x] You usually don't fight with your parents.
[x] You're healthy.
[ ] You've never had a cavity.
[ ] You are happy with your appearance.
[ ] You aren't self-consious at all.
[ ] You have never got a failing grade in your life.
[x] You have friends.
[x] You have so many inside jokes with friends.
[x] You know your parent(s) care and love you.
T O T A L: 5
[ ] You know what is going on in the world.
[x] You care about sooo many people.
[ ] You are happy with your life.
[x] You usually aren't sick.
[x] You know more than one language.
[ ] You have a screen name.
[ ] You own a pet.
[x] You know the words to more than 5 songs.
[ ] You don't have any enemies.
[x] You are happy you're living.
T O T A L: 6
Now count up the number and multiply by 2.
Then repost saying 'My life is % perfect'.
i think i'm going to fail every single one of my papers. and i think after 4 years, mom, you're going to have to attend the Meet-The-Teachers session. or whatever it's called. ahh!
english was tough. social studies was tough-er. both the papers today? tougher-er. =/ hur. okay.
-presses the backspace button on the keyboard after typing about the whatnots of MYEs-

Monday, May 01, 2006
what if the time stops ticking at 7:44 PM
it's a boring BORING day, needless to say. what labour day. it's give-the-students-an-extra-day-to-study-for-their-exams day. i see formulae. i see equations. i see MORE formulae and equations. -starts tearing the worksheets, books, etc into bits and bits-
and of course the biggest distraction on mother earth, calling out to me. ((: hurhur. i'm sure you clever peeps know what i'm referring to. yes? anyway! i've create this skin. my very first photoshop skin. ha.

what do you think?
okay. maybe you hesitated the other time, when i asked you to slap me in the face for wasting my time on such stuff instead of studying. this time, dont hesitate. just WHACK me. just do it! (nike) heh. i'm sort of done with math. then there's still chemistry to revise again. boo. i'm shutting down the computer. yes i'm going to do that. and maybe while i'm at it, i'll fling it out of the window. (with double, make that triple, protection and hire a thousand people to stand downstairs to help catch the computer)
i just remembered i have to post something about that guy from my class who ruined my file. argh. okay. so after telling him off that day about the whatevernonsense, i asked him to return me the rest of the worksheets the next day. which he forgot. fortunately, i managed to get him in time before he left school. grabbed that bunch of papers from him, thinking everything would be there this time round. went home, starting re-filing them all again. until i found two missing pieces of worksheets. -SCREAMS- argh. why cant he for crying out loud return them all to me at ONE go?! you know what? i feel like stabbing him in the heart. ripping him into gazillion parts. pulling out his organs. chopping him up and feeding him to his fishes. oh. by the way. his name is JOEL HO. help me stalk him. blackmail him. kill him. it'd be much appreciated. and i'll throw in a thousand bucks as a reward.
interested parties call me for further details.
that was a joke. (i think)
GOODbye people. wish me luck for tomorrow's mathematics and chemistry paper!